Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Our Day at the Museum

Yesterday I took the girls into the city to visit the museum.
I almost backed out last second.  
But I'm so glad we made it there!

The worst of it was the parking.  
Around and around the crowded city, finally ending up on the 8th floor of a parking garage that I could barely get my big car up!

Jane's been learning about butterflies at school,
and the museum has a pretty neat butterfly exhibit I wanted Jane to see.

They were beautiful!

I didn't manage getting too many other photos.  
It was pretty busy keeping up with these two girls.

They really loved the big dinosaur fossils!
Jane could have stayed there hours more,
but Molly was getting really tired so we headed back home around noon.

Jane is so inquisitive right now.
At the museum, she was asking about every dinosaur name.
And every bone!
And every tooth!
Being almost 4 is really fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That first picture is amazing! And you are a brave mama taking your littles to big city all by yourself! While Pregnant! :)

    Anyway, I don't know if you have ever heard of the website I use it to cram all my photos of the year into one book. Last year I maxed out on pages... like 450 or something, and had over 1600 pictures, it was a big hardcover 11x13 book, and I think I spent $185-ish on it. A bargain for that many pages+prints. I also digi scrap my girls each a book, I make their pages cuter and only use the better pictures. I don't know if you have ever looked into this option, I know there are a lot of different companies you can go through. One of my friends does not have time to sit and edit each page, but does want to print her blog out each year so she uses (I think that's right) I'm a little too o.c.d. to take that option, but it sounds super easy.

    Anyway, that's what I do with all my millions of pictures. I can send you pictures of my book if you would like. I know I did a post on my blog a few years back about them... but who knows where it is. Maybe Jan or Feb of 2012?

    I hope that all made sense.
