Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinco de Mayo and some other randomness

This post was originally supposed to be about our awesome Cinco de Mayo, but then I realized I had some other things I wanted to add.  So bear with me!

I'll start with our morning at church.  It was something so simple.  Something I don't know why I haven't thought about.  But it was so profound.  It really struck me. It wasn't even what the sermon was about, just something our pastor said.  It was how we are so blessed to be born when and where we have been.  It took a little while for my brain to wrap around this.  Here it is 2013, all the modern amenities we use on a daily basis.  How easy life is for us.  I guess if we were born in 1913 we would be naive to it all.  We'd never even dream that there would be this thing we keep in our pocket that calls people, can find any piece of information we ever dreamed about on, take photos from, play games on, or whatever else.  So maybe if you were naive to it all, you wouldn't miss it...though how nice life is with things like a car, a refrigerator, AC...

But then there was that other part.  About where we live.  What if I was born in North Korea? China?  Iraq?  What if I had been born into a country of oppression?  Slavery?  Hunger?  I thank God everyday for the food and shelter he has provided.  But being born in say Congo, the poorest of countries, and what my life would have been like has never really crossed my mind.  So anyway, that was on my mind much of the day,and just being thankful and feeling really blessed.

We planted some peppers and tomato plants in the afternoon.  This was really exciting because this has been my dream since we moved to this house.  We have LOTS of gardens.  However, when we moved here they were all completely overgrown and totally full of weeds and overgrown plants and bushes.  It's been a slow process clearing them out and making them look decent.  We did the ones everyone looks at everyday first.  Our back yard is divided into two sections.  The top section is fenced in with the pool.  Along the fence line is just gardens.  Those we have taken care of.  But then the lower half is also fenced in and the top half of the fence is all garden.  This part we've barely touched.  It's something we only see if we are out back with the girls. This is where I've always wanted a vegetable garden. Last spring I finally cleared a section for strawberries.  This year we cleared a section for peppers and tomatoes. This summer we plan to finish the rest so that next spring we can plant whatever we want.  It's just a lot to maintain it all!  There's weeding, and planting, and mulching around the front, around the sides, around the pool- the back has just taken a backseat...but not for long! 

We went to my dad's house then for a Cinco de Mayo fiesta.  It was delicious!  And he played music during dinner that made me wish we were taking a Mexican vacation this summer!  It was a beautiful day and the girls played outside.

And now for some randomness...

Feel free to skip this paragraph.  I'm about to vent...
It really hurts my feelings when people who don't have children make judgements or comments about being a stay at home mom and all the time I must have.  Ok, I know how busy you are during the week because you work.  I used to work too.  So I know!!  But when you use that to throw in my face how you only have one weekend to get things done and you aren't home all week like I am it makes me feel bad.  Not that I need anyone to validate my reasons for being home.  But the truth is, it does hurt my feelings.  Being a stay at home mom is my JOB.  My kids don't go to daycare.  I have to actually take care of them.  This is where I want to be childish and say HELLO!  Wakeup!  Yes I may have a little more time.  I do have SOME downtime.  And yes I may go out and have fun...but this is how I entertain my kids.  If they went to daycare, they would be entertained in other ways...but either way, someone has to do it.  I also have to feed them, dress them, meet all their other needs, clean up after them....Weekend time is actually precious to me too, and I have things important to do just as you.  And that is that.  It's been burning me up all morning and I thought if I just got it out I'd feel better.  And I do.

Now for some cuteness.  These are somethings I just didn't want to forget!
  • Jane is always asking "what does that mean" to phrases or words.  They may be things we have always said.  It's very interesting how she's really starting to understand on a deeper, more mature level.  I'm glad she's sooo curious and is asking so many questions!
  • Molly is saying soooo much!  She can put together a 4 word sentence!  Yikes!  Some of the things she is saying is just so darn cute. She calls Jane "Pooh" now.  We sometimes call Jane "Janie-pooh-pooh" and Molly was once trying to say Jane and she got as far as saying "Jee" but has now just given up and calls her Pooh!  She tells us to "Come on" now.  "Come on Pooh"  "Come on Mommy" as she waves her little hand in a come on motion.   It's the sweetest.  She also has picked up "Right now".  hahahhaah.  Currently this is funny.  I hope it doesn't get to a point where I don't think so!!  
  • I am finally starting to feel this baby move!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, being judged on mommy skills is the worst! Last summer when I was preg with Finley my own sister in law (who at the time had a 3 month old baby) made a comment to me about sailyr "getting away with murder". She said it in a nice way (if that's possible). But I was so hurt. I even cried to my husband on the phone. :) after that I decided I would never judge another mother.... especially when she is preg. But yes... that's super annoying if your being judged by someone without kids about something as important as being home with your kids. Good job if you handled it politely. Have you read in praise of stay at home moms by Dr. Laura? If not you should!
