Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Insta-Life & Some This and That

Currently, the girls are loving the Pippi Longstocking movie.  No kidding.  They have such strange taste in movies.  Molly too!  Their little friends enjoy movies like Cars and Toy Story.  Not these two.  I am super thankful actually, and Pippi was one of my favorite movies (and I seem to still be enjoying it). 

Ok, this is just something that makes me happy, because I've just discovered this.  Giving Jane a pro-biotic mixed with her apple juice once a day has really helped with her constipation.  TMI? 

Our days are pretty busy!  On top of Jane attending school 3 days a week, both girls are little gymnasts at a local gymnastics club.  Jane also takes a class called "Broadway Babies".  She loves to pretend to be on stage so we took her interest a little further.  It's all for fun.  She dances and sings in the class to songs from Mary Poppins and The Little Mermaid.  She really loves it.  Molly attends "Babies Boogie" at the library once a week.  Phew...it's a lot of running around but it's so much fun!

Why does Molly never want to eat when we are at home?  Take her to Costco, she'll every sample there is!  Her favorite dining would be McDonalds.  (Soooo not proud of that, but isn't it part of the kid experience??  Remember those orange drinks and when the cool kids had bday parties there?) 

Last one and on another Molly note, that girl is so lovey.  I want one of her little hugs every minute.  Except in the middle of the night where I'd rather she be sleeping in her own bed...


Thursday, January 24, 2013

We're having a heat wave

Or not.  Actually, we have been so spoiled here in Pennsylvania the past few winters where temperatures in the 20's and below were rather sparse.  But this week we are getting our dose of cold.  The kind of cold where if you don't have to lug your babies out, you don't.  Today we had no where we had to be, and we agreed that going out to search for Valentine's Day card supplies could wait!  Luckily our super cool neighbor was down for an impromptu playdate.  So she lugged her two little boys over (which made me feel a little guilty that they had to venture out) and the kids had a not so boring after all morning!

After Molly's nap we had some fun with shoes and headbands, had an early dinner, and took a loooong bath before daddy came home from work.

Spring, where are you??  Ok, I know it's only January, but I am longing for warmer days! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I have to say that I just adore having little girls.  They love princesses and dress up, mommy's makeup and shoes.  With each passing day I see the girls' bond grow tighter.  Sisters. 

Every giggle makes my heart swoon.  Every smile makes me smile.  When they wake up, they look for the other which makes me think we must be doing something right. 

I have dreams that they grow to become best friends.  Sometime soon they will share a bedroom.  A sleepover every night.  I think about the secrets they will one day share late at night and the advice they will give each other.  

I have been truly blessed.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Awesomeness of Lunch Bunch

It's been a year since I've relished in the solitude of naptime.  I'm jealous of friends who do chores alone, craft, workout, read, watch tv during during those glorious hours.  I love my girls to bits, but sometimes, I just need some alone time!

Well, I'm getting my fix today.  Jane's school offers this great little bonus to their day called Lunch Bunch.  For a few extra dollars, Jane gets to have lunch and some activity, and once I get Molly down for her little nap, I get my alone time.  So once a month I pay the extra money and send her off until 2.  It's been fabulous.

Today I took Molly to Trader Joes which is a treat for us because it isn't around the corner.  Of course on my way I realized I had forgotten my shopping list and as it turns out, my memory is pretty lousy.  I think that happens when you haven't slept through the night in four years.

The rest of my day I am looking forward to tidying up without anyone to follow behind me taking out whatever I just put away and then catching up on some of these shows on my dvr.  The funny thing is, I do miss my little Janie Poo despite the hair pulling morning we had (refusing to get dressed, then insisting on doing it herself, but wait, she couldn't get her nightgown off, mommy you help, no, I can do it, no I can't...cry cry cry, Mommy want to go crazy....).  I look forward to 2 oclock when she climbs into our car rambling about the day she had.  Until then, I'm going to enjoy.

Here's a few photos from the past week to enjoy.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another year gone, another year ahead

Why is it that as you get older, the years go faster?  As a kid, becoming an adult could not come fast enough.  Now that I'm a mom, I want nothing more than for time to slow doooowwnnnn!

My husband and I have a tradition on New Years Eve.  What's that?  Oh that would be going to bed before midnight.  And this year was no different.  We wouldn't want to break tradition!  We had a crazy morning taking the girls to the aquarium. 

They both went to bed at 6pm.  Brian and I played some rummy, watched a little tv, then headed to bed by 10.  We're wild and crazy, I know!

Reflecting back at this year, I can honestly say I've been eating healthier and have definitely gotten better in the kitchen.  No more of those packaged noodle side dishes ;)  So for that I am proud!  On the other hand, I haven't been as productive as I'd like.  For that I blame tiredness and the purchase of my iphone.  The tiredness I'm not sure I can do much about.  Molly's been a terrible sleeper lately, waking up usually before 12am to join me in bed where hogs up most of my space. And on top of that she's been waking up again around 2am whining and sitting up, crying, trying to get off the bed....and this goes on for up to 2 hours!  I know, what am I doing letting her do this??!!   She's been very slow at getting teeth.  As each tooth comes in, we go through this whole ordeal every night until that little bugger breaks through all the way.  And I am not good at letting her suffer alone.  Soooo, back to being tired.  I do try and get to bed by 9:30 and the girls are usually up at 6 for the day.  Most days, I feel like a walking zombie.  Not good for productivity.  Now as for that phone....one of my goals for this new year is to use it leisurely when I'm either waiting to pick up/drop off Jane at school or in the evening after then go to bed.  My other goal for the year is to read the bible cover to cover.  This is something I've been wanting to do for so long.  This is the year I'm going to turn the tv off early and read.

Here's to another fast paced, crazy year!