Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday's Weekly Update

-She's been getting pretty picky about her clothes lately.
As soon as I put her pants on, she squats to test them out.
99% of the time she whines that they are too tight.
(They aren't!)
I'm hoping she gets out of this stage soon and doesn't take after me.
I wouldn't wear anything but stretchy pants until 6th grade!
-We got the best report about Molly from Sunday school.
I went to pick her up and her teacher told me she was the sweetest child ever.
There was a new girl who was crying in the class so Molly went over and gave her hugs and said she would play with her.
They also have name tags that they wear on their backs.
Because the little girl was new, she didn't have one so she had to wear tape with her name.
Molly asked to have a tape name too and told the little girl, "Now we alike."
It just melted my heart.
Sometimes I wonder if we are doing the right things with her
(because she can be quite naughty!)
This was really something I needed to hear!
-She's been going through these super hyper spurts throughout the day.
I can't explain what sets her off.
But it involves her laughing hysterically and usually disobeying.
It's hard because I don't want to break her spirit, but the not obeying part is really taking a toll on everyone.
She'll say No, or do the exact opposite of what I ask.
Like if Owen is sleeping, she'll go stand right in front of him and start laughing as loud as possible.
The girls are now going to bed at the same time, so when Brian is reading, she'll just start with her crazy laughing.
Ignoring the laughing helps to a point, but basically I'm pretty stumped.
There's only so many times one can go to time out.
-I caught her putting chapstick on Brian's toothbrush, and then eating it off.

-She really takes pride in how she looks.
If her nails are painted, she has to show them off to everyone.
She loves her clothes and shoes.
She's going to be quite a teenager!
-She was so excited to open her Valentine's that she got from school today.
She wouldn't open the bag until Molly and I were ready to watch.
She opened every one, asking who each one was from.
And she's been enjoying all the candy ever since.
-She's been really playing sooooo well by herself lately.
She's come so far since the summer.
I know a lot has to do with having Owen and less time to give her, but it's been really good.
She loves her princess Barbie-sized dolls and the smaller magic clip dolls.

-He turned 4 months on Sunday!
-He weighs exactly 14 pounds, which is between the 25-50% and is 25 and three quarter inches tall, which is in the 75th %.
-The doctor said she could convince herself that his gums were swollen,
 like he was going to get a tooth. 
But when I said Molly didn't get her first tooth until 11 months she changed her mind.
But who knows, could explain why he chews on his hands all the time.
-He's been going to bed earlier and earlier.
He hasn't been taking a late nap so he's been ready for bed by about 6 or so.
I usually don't mind heading to bed after the girls go to bed.
One of these days I'm going to get him in his crib.....

1 comment:

  1. That is such a sweet story about Molly, what a sweet girl! And brave to notice someone was sad and have the courage to do something about it. At that age I was always too timid. Reading about her naughty moments reminds me so much of how Sailyr is right now as well. I worry as well, wondering if this is a stage she is going through or if I need to be more strict with her. But like you said, they can only sit in time out for so long.
