Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More Snow


There are way too many snow photos here.
I just couldn't bare to part with any.

I know some people around these parts are just over all this snow.
But for me, it has made what normally are the two worst months of the whole year totally bearable.
No, rather, enjoyable thanks to having Brian home so much.
Sure there were bad days.
Ok, some really bad bad days.
But I was preparing for a looooong January and February, bunkered down here at home.
And here we are, almost the end of February, and I'm in disbelief that it's gone so fast!

We got about 18 inches all at once last week.
The first time Jane went out, she pretty much hid in the garage the whole time.
She didn't know what to do!
It was too deep to walk or really play in.

They didn't plow our street until the very end of the day.
So everyone was just stuck.
This is Molly watching Brian try and help our neighbor get his truck out.

The next day we made a snow fort.
Now the girls had something to do.
They were out for 4 hours on Friday!
(not all at once)
It was just what we all needed.
We soaked in some vitamin D and were all able to just breath some fresh air.
It was a good good day.

Ok, now I'm really ready for spring!

1 comment:

  1. Man, your handling this like a champ! Good for you! Also, I never really though Jane and Molly looked alike until these pictures. Once you cover up everything but their face, they are quite similar. In a couple pictures I had a hard time deciding who was who. But, I hope the snow melts fast for you once spring hits so your not dealing with ugly dirty snow piles and mud everywhere. I still cant believe how hard you have been hit this year! Crazy!
