Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Molly is 6 Months Old!

Such a happy baby she is!  She's truly an angel and a blessing.  So curious, so loving.  And becoming quite a mama's girl!  She adores her sister, watching and smiling at every move she makes.  A good little eater.  Pears are by far her favorite making it a great source to sneak her reflux medicine in.  (She and Jane both have horrendous silent reflux.)  She's getting around the kitchen and knicking up all my woodwork and furniture in her walker.  She made the ninetieth percentile in height and almost the fiftieth in weight at her check-up today!

Just one month ago to the day we were bringing Molly home from the hospital after spending the night for a virus that spiked a fever so quick it caused a seizure.  It was the scariest moment of my life, and everyday since I've thanked God for her and her health. 

Happy half-Birthday spunky little girl!!


  1. She is too cute! I just stumbled across your blog and our headers are pretty similar with the birds on the line and all! Your little girls are beautiful!

  2. Oh how funny!! To be honest, I'm just TERRIBLE at putting this blog together! Gone are the days when I was so computer savvy! After several failed attempts of other headers, I went for this because it worked :) Thanks for the compliment about the girls!
