Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ho Ho Hum

Today was just one of those off days.  It was kind of drizzly, kind of mild for four days before Christmas, and a lot of blahhh.

I had to finish my Christmas shopping so once I dropped Jane off at school I was able to get to the store and finish that just in time to get home, feed Molly, and leave again to pick Jane up and run her to her therapy session at Theraplay (more about this to come). By the time we got home I had two tired and miserable little girls and I just hoped they would take a nap so I could have some peace and quiet!

After two days of no naps and being ridiculously miserable, Jane finally napped and I was relieved.  Molly on the other hand, who had two car naps already today, was not having it.  So I brought her downstairs so she wouldn't wake up Jane and then ended up falling asleep in my arms on the couch.  And there was my excuse to not finish the laundry. I enjoyed the break, and cuddle time, and actually got to watch dvr'ed Teen Mom 2 (yes I'm almost 30 and still watch).

Brian, my husband, came home early enough that I could get dinner together and make Molly a batch of applesauce (I got some organic Cortland apples this week that were awesome for this).  He was a saint and and took Jane for a ride to look at Christmas lights after dinner so I could bathe Molly and have a few minutes to put some laundry away.

Still just feeling drained, I took a shower and then realized I had left my hair straightener on all day, but even worse, I had thrown my pajamas on it before I took a shower.  So after almost burning down the house, I plopped myself here on the couch ready to start over fresh tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be a better day.


  1. I'm so glad it's not just me having one of these days!!! Thanks for posting, cause I needed a friend. lol. :)


  2. No Shame! I record Teen Mom 2 and catch up during the week.

    Is it sad that it makes me feel better about myself?!!? Sad I know!
