Monday, January 23, 2012

clothes clothes clothes

Monday and Wednesday mornings are perfect for little tasks around the house.  Jane is off to preschool for two hours, so the morning is pretty quiet with just Molly.

This morning my task was to put away all the clothes that have accumulated everywhere.  I did lots of kid wash this weekend so there were piles everywhere that needed to be put into drawers.  After I did that I remembered I had a few pieces that needed to be attacked with a lint brush.

My husband, I love him dearly, did some wash over Christmas break.  We'd gotten a VERY linty blanket that he washed with a few of Jane's dark pieces of clothes.  Men don't think these things through do they?  Anyhow, I had left them in the laundry room until today.

Oh my.

No lint brush in the world is going to work on this job.  The lint is like matted into the sweater.  So, I left it on the counter.  Someone's going to have a little chore to do tonight and it's not going to be me!

Next I had to tackle THE CHAIR.  It is where I put the clothes the girls have outgrown.  It's right by the basement door.  I try to take it down with me if I'm headed that way.  Most of the time though, my arms are loaded with something else and the clothes get forgotten.

Here's what the chair looked like after only a week.

It seems as though the girls' closets are forever a revolving.  In and out, in and out.  Luckily, it's about the only area in this house I'm actually organized.  I have Rubbermaid boxes labeled with sizes and stacked like this.

That's a lot of clothes, I know!  And that's not even all...

These are stored in our crawl space. 

I think I'm a bit of a clothes hoarder.  Most of it is handed down to us.  And I do pass along what we don't use. 

The clothes are almost all away.  I have a few things that need to be ironed, but I'm off to get it done now!


  1. It's crazy how fast kids grow out of clothes isn't it! My organization is such a disaster but that's what I want to do with my little guys clothes too. I have started, and have blue ones :) but you should see his closet haha

  2. oh my! those pants are so funny.. totally something that my hubby would do. and i would make him de-lint it as well!

  3. You can never have enough clothes! :)

    1. I know right? Girl clothes are just so darn cute!
