Monday, December 16, 2013


Photo dump happening now...

::Poor Owen was having so major skin irritation.  Doctor said it was a combo of baby acne and dry skin.  Happy to report it's cleared up.::

::Weekend- spent the morning in jammies::

::Looks soooo much like his sister::

::Jane was in the Nutcracker.  She had 3 parts- she was in the party scene in the beginning, she was a mouse, and an angel.  She LOVED every second of it::

::Jane helped me decorate the Christmas tree.  These ornaments were actually from our tree growing up- which actually came from my mom's grandmother.  She reminded me so much of myself, loving each ornament, examining each one carefully before putting it on the tree::

::This book Molly has- she's OBSESSED with!  It's a Max and Ruby book.  She calls it Mack and Ruby.  All day I hear. "Where's Mack and Ruby?"  because she puts it down and then can't remember where she left it.  It goes with her everywhere.  I've been taping it back together, I'm not sure home much longer it's going to last!::

::It's snowed 3 times in the past week.  And it's supposed to snow again tonight and tomorrow.  The girls are loving it::

Now for a little catching up...


-She's so excited for Christmas.  She's so into it this year.  She loves the idea of Santa.  We have an elf on the shelf that we call Little Red.  She loves to find him every morning.  When she's acting up, I remind her that he's watching and she quickly becomes a pleasant girl again!

-For Christmas she asked for 2 things, Pop the Pig and a jeep.

-In big news, we've decided that we are going to hold Jane back from kindergarten next year.  Her teacher was actually the one who mentioned it.  She has a hard time focusing on her independent work.  She also has a hard time holding a pencil.  Both things weren't news to us.  She's the youngest one in her class, and we have noticed at birthday parties some big differences between her classmates who have been turning 5 and Jane.  We also believe she is emotionally immature.  So we feel another year before sending her off to grade school will be helpful. 

-Speaking of emotionally immature, she cries ALL the time!  If she can't get her shoe on, she cries.  If she wants something Molly has, she cries.  Loud obnoxious cries.  All the talking to her in the world doesn't change it.

-Jane is a big big big helper to me these days.  I can ask her to get me diapers, or entertain Owen.  She likes to help!

-Little Red brought some Hershey Kisses.  Jane calls them sushi kisses.  hahaha.  I don't know why!!  But it makes us laugh.  We also have one of those advent calendars with chocolates behind each window.  She calls it her alvent calendar. 

-She's our girly girl.  She loves wearing dresses, wants to wear makeup, likes her nails painted, pretends to play fashion show.  Luckily, she still lets me pick out her clothes! 


-She loves to be the instigator, terrorizing Jane.  She doesn't like to share, will tell Jane to go away.  She's been spending a lot of time in time out for hitting Jane.

-Taking Molly to the store is awful!  If she is not strapped into a cart, she is running away, screaming, and laughing.  She thinks it is funny.  I'm so embarrassed by her behavior.  We will talk about the right way to act in a store before we go in.  She's good for five minutes.  Then she's crazy. 

-We attempted potty training again.  And again we are back in diapers. 

-She is soooo loving.  She is my little affectionate one, always kissing and hugging Owen.  She loves to cuddle in bed before she falls asleep.

-She's not as sure about Santa as Jane.  She loves the idea of him, but when she saw him at the mall she said she was "so shy".  We haven't made our official visit yet but I'm pretty sure she's not going to get on his lap!

-Her one request from Santa- a candy cane!  hahaha- I guess she has low expectations!


-Owen turned 2 months yesterday!

-He weighs 11 pounds, 2 ounces which is just under 50th percentile.  And he's 23 inches which is just about 50th percentile.

-We seem to have finally figured out his reflux- or lack there of!  Turns out he's just super sensitive to dairy.  So I've cut that out of my diet, along with acid foods and gassy foods.  Kinda a pain for me, but great for him!

-He's the best little smiler!  If I smile at him, he smiles and coos at me.  I just die over every smile!!

-He's still sleeping in bed with me but once we get our new video monitor for his room for Christmas, we will be starting to transition him over.  I'm sad :(

-At night he goes about 4 hour stretches.  If he falls asleep at 8, he's usually up at 12 to eat and then again around 4. 

1 comment:

  1. loved all the pictures, and reading about your kids. Jane is just beautiful! she looks so cute in her performance. when devin saw your Christmas card picture he commented on how beautiful your girl's eyes are. I'm glad Owen is doing better, he is getting so big! also, I had to laugh when I read about how emotional Jane has been. sounds just like sailyr right now. she cries every time we tell her no. I'm nervous for when she's a hormonal teenager. ha!

    I'm so glad you posted! I love reading how things are going. looks like you have got this 'mama of three' thing down!!!
