Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Day We Stayed Home

For the past month, we've been so busy!  If we aren't rushing off to school, then it's doctors appointments, the grocery store, or park playdates.  Most days, being busy suits us well.

This morning we stayed home.  We didn't take hours to get ready, we just got up and got busy like we had somewhere to be.  I left my phone inside.  Nothing to distract me from being there, fully present and attentive to the girls. 

Outside, we set up paper and paint.  The girls went to town.

I mean, they really went to town!

There's no doubt, they preferred the body painting over the paper painting.

But even more than the paint, they loved their "bath" afterwards.  Don't worry, I used warm water ;)

It was barely 10am. 

The girls LOVE their moonbounce.  We don't take it out all that often.  But a morning like today definitely called for more fun.

The weather was just too perfect to call it a day, so we made ourselves a picnic lunch.

We discovered that our beans aren't quite finished, and we picked another handful or so.

I think I had been keeping us so busy this past month because I feared that we will not get out much after the baby is here.  I was trying to make the most of our days so that the girls aren't so bored at home once he's here and we are home more.  But that was silly.  Because we do have fun at home!  And I like spending all my time with just them.  I think we are going to be alright :)

1 comment:

  1. love! naked swim pool baths in the front yard.... really? it does not get much better than that! how fun!
