Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring has sprung!

It's a sure sign that the weather has warmed when our driveway becomes a masterpiece of drawings!

And it feels soooo good.  There is nothing better for my soul than some sunshine and warmth.  It's been too long.  Last week temperatures were still sitting in the 40's.  I won't lie, I was really feeling down and lacking all energy.  But by the end of last week, the weather started to change and yesterday reached the mid 70's.  I feel alive, and I know the girls do too!  Jane is happy to be out in the sunshine and Molly doesn't want to be anywhere but outside, sneaking out every chance she can!

Molly is getting over the worst cold she's had yet.  Between pumping her with extra vitamins and some good old natural vitamin D, she's seeming like herself again. 

Today is going to be another beauty and I plan to be outside all day.  Yesterday brought back the reminder of how crazy things get inside the home when we stay out all day!  It's funny how you forget.  But being out, dishes were left, laundry unfinished, counters cluttered.  I guess it's a small price to pay!

The weather is going to be summer-like (yes, 80's tomorrow!) for the next couple days so I'll be anywhere but here!  See you in a few days. 

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