Monday, March 18, 2013

21 Months

I know 21 months isn't a huge milestone, but Molly has been transforming from baby to little girl before my eyes these days.  
We were watching some home videos yesterday from about a year ago.  So amazing.  I'm not good about getting the girls on video, but my dad is awesome.  He gets pieces of the girls and puts together these fabulous movies that we all really love watching.  To see how the girls are changing, so quickly I might add, is such a gift.  

Our little Molly is SUCH a chatterbox, most of which we don't yet understand.  But she certainly has something to say.  She can say a lot of words, and when she says just one or two of them together, we can understand what she's saying.  Her favorite thing to say is "I did that".   She's proud to show off what she did (which is usually make some sort of big mess).  She also likes to name everyone.  If we are in the car she'll say everyone who is there.

She has an infectious laugh.  We just love every giggle.  She has quite a sense of humor and seems to understand things we think should be beyond her. 

Molly's become a mommy-fiend!  Yikes!  I thought Jane had it bad when she was Molly's age.  She never leaves the room I'm in.  She waits for me outside the shower, often crying.  She started crying when I leave her in the nursery at church (booo, I hate that!).  If I need to run an errand without her, she stands at the window watching and crying.  She wakes up at night and cries for me.  She now can say "I want mama" which really makes my heart ache.  I know this passes all too quickly so I'm honestly just trying to enjoy her attachment.

She looks up to all that Jane can do.  She really tries to be just like her.  If Jane's jumping, Molly's jumping.  If Jane's playing dollhouse, Molly wants to play dollhouse.  If Jane has ice cream, Molly wants ice cream (including eating by herself!).  

Molly is quite the dare devil.  She likes to go down slides head first, climbs up on anything, does forward rolls all over the house, jumps with both feet off the ground on beds, sofas, chairs, etc.  

A few other of her favorites- her doggie, animals, reading "No David", other kids, her pacifier, pushing her little stroller, emptying my wallet, donuts.


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