Saturday, August 10, 2013


The girls and I have a Saturday morning ritual. 
Our little tradition makes Saturdays probably my favorite day.
First we head to the farmer's market.
The farmer's market in our town is tiny,
three local farm stands, a booth selling dog treats, another selling handmade soaps, a tent with bread, and a few other random inconsistent venders.
Oh, and the children's tent which we save as our last stop.
After we've collected all the fruits, veggies, and fresh cut flowers we can carry, we make our way over to the children's tent which has a different craft set up each week.
I love this.
The market itself might not be the most exciting thing for little kids.
But the children's tent is genius. 
And it leaves the farmer's market as a positive and fun experience.
It's about a five minute drive home from the market.
But the second part of our ritual is yard sale-ing.
We agree that if we pass any yard sales or signs leading us to one close by, we will stop.
The girls LOVE yard sales.
I do love a bargain, but hate bringing junk home we don't need.
Most mornings I don't let the girls come home with anything.
But they like the thrill of looking anyway.
This morning was no different.
Apples are finally here, so we STOCKED up!
Nectarines, plums, beans, and zucchini also came home with us.
Molly colored a bookmark with markers in the children's tent,
Jane played shy in the curb. 
The Mennonite church had a flea market.
We made our round from table to table.
We left with Chutes and Ladders and too many homemade cookies.
After our outing, Saturday becomes whatever we want it to be.
Brian usually works on the laundry room/powder room renovation
so that leaves us girls to come up with something on our own.
Today we played inside until it was Molly's naptime.
Friday I had read in the paper that one of the house's in town would be open to show off their butterfly habitat.
Once Molly was asleep and Jane had finished lunch we headed back into town to check it out.
I surprise myself and learned a lot about monarch butterflies!
Like, did you know they fly all the way to Mexico for the winter??
Isn't that crazy that something so small and delicate can fly that far?

On the way home we drove past the pool.
"Mommy, can we go to the pool?"
My first instinct was to say no right away.
We have a pool.
And it's so darn expensive for a day pass!
But our pool is cold again.
And it was pretty hot outside.
Molly would be waking up soon and it would be a pretty fun way to spend the afternoon.
Sooo, we picked up Molly and headed to the pool.
It was the best 2.5 hours.
It was amazing what a couple hours and some other pool-confident children did for Jane!
She finally got her face wet without complaining.
She was having so much fun with her two new friends and copying the things they were doing that I hated to leave.

Saturdays, I do love you.
Thanks for always being so fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Yard sales! I love them! And I'm so glad someone else loves them as well! Yay for Jane getting brave in the water.
