Monday, February 27, 2012


This actually is something that happened about a week ago but everyone's been sick around here so I've been pretty busy!  The girls, and Brian, were hit with a stomach bug.  Then everyone got this awful cold, with terrible sore throat, fever, and headache.  Needless to say, there's been too many sleepless nights to get around to posting anything.

Why am I so happy, you ask?  Oh well, that is because the disgusting rodent that had been inhabiting with us is gone!

But let me start at the beginning.

We've been having a really mild winter.  And then we had a bone chilling night.  That was the night the little mousey decided to get out of the cold and take shelter in my car.  Yes, that's right.  My CAR!  And how did we know there was a mouse in my car?  It went right to where the food is.  Inside Jane's car seat!  Brian had gone out to start it up before church when he saw some of the stuffing from the car seat chewed.  That darn strap that comes up between Jane's legs lets all kinds of snacks sneak their way deep into the seat, never to be found.  Well, that is unless you are a mouse!

Brian said he scared any mouse that was inside the car away, but I rode to church with my feet off the floor.

Two days later, Brian and I were having a quiet night watching tv.  And that was when we heard him.  That Houdini of a mouse was under the couch in which I was sitting.

I haven't made this clear, but I am terrified of mice.  I know they are small little, harmless creatures.  But I hate them!

So I stood with a blanket, which I was supposed to drop on the mouse, when Brian scared him out from under the couch.  But as soon as I saw him I freaked and somehow missed! 

For two days that mouse was roaming this house.  In my sister's words, feeling so violated!  With every step I was afraid that mouse would run out.  I hated sitting on the floor playing with my babies! 

My good husband put some sticky traps in the basement with cheese and caught that stinker.  Goodbye mousey mousey.

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