Sunday, September 28, 2014


What do weekends look like around here?


Ok, so I'm not a football fan per say.  But since Jane's become quite the little cheerleader, I'm front and center every weekend at her games.  Ok, ok, I'm set up right in front of the cheerleaders and I may not actually know which team wins the game, but I'm cheering them on, none the less.

I thought the game was on Saturday this weekend, so I after I picked Jane up from dance rehearsal, we went right to the field, just to find out the game was actually Sunday.  So after rearranging some plans, we went with my dad and stepmom to the Souderton Art Jam. 

The Art Jam was filled with artists selling their wares, music, moon bounce (highlight, obvi!) and yummy FOOD!  The girls also painted.  They were really into it, like so into it that I didn't care that Jane was getting paint on her Bobo and Molly had completely covered her tshirt too.  Of course the paint turned out to not be washable.  (insert teeth gritting emoji)  We learned our next door neighbor's son is in a band.  And it was a really good band!  We talked to the owner of the girls dance studio, ran into friends, and pet dogs.  Brian and my dad ate a bbq sundae.  uh, gelati?  Something that entailed meat, beans, and mashed potatoes in a cup.  We ate apple crisp and water ice.  And played on the playground.

 The Hail Hitler, aka Owen Wave

Sunday we went to church as usual, then got Jane ready for her game.  Those girls all dolled up in the red and black shaking those pom poms- just too cute for words!  And if you think seeing a 5 year cheer is too much, you should see their half time "show" done to the new Taylor Swift song! 

It's Alpaca Farm Days across the country.  So after cheerleading was over we headed to the farm for a little fun with my mom and my sister's family.  The girls fed the Alpacas, played games, went on a hayride, and had some cookies.  We saw people we knew there, so that always makes it so much more fun.  And the whole way home, Molly kept saying, "That was fun with Jane's coach, wasn't it?"  because one of Jane's cheerleading coaches was there with her family, too. 

Fall weekends are really the best!

1 comment:

  1. Jane's cheer pictures are so cute! Looks like she is having fun, (and did you get a new lens? Or Camera? Your aperture is looking different!) Anyway, I love your blog posts! Looks like you had a fun weekend!
