Monday, June 3, 2013

Life Lately

The busy season has officially begun.
I've been so busy that my camera hasn't come out of it's bag in 5 whole days! 
That's unheard of around here!

Here's a little of what's been going on.

- Starting with the biggest deal, we had our 20 week ultrasound last week and found out we are having a boy!  For a few short seconds I didn't know how to respond.  Part of me wanted another girl.  But another part really hoped for a boy.  We are in such girl mode around here, it will be nice to see how our family dynamic changes (it won't be princess 24/7 around here anymore!).  I had a doctors appointment then this morning and found out I have to go back and have another ultrasound done because they said they didn't have very good images of the heart.   I'm praying everything is fine!  Jane took the news of a baby brother very well!  She is really excited to have a baby around, which is a big change for her.  She's never been very interested in babies.  All of a sudden she's tickling my belly and asking to talk to the baby all the time.  It's the sweetest thing ever!  Molly, on the other hand, is really is pretty clueless.  She copies and mimics Jane about the baby but I don't really think she has any idea.  And when the baby is here, I'm pretty sure she's going to be super jealous.  She's such a mama's girl.  If Jane even sits in my lap, Molly's trying to push her out!

-We celebrated the upcoming birth of my sister's baby over the weekend with a shower at my mom's house.  So last week, most of my free time was spent putting decorations and games together.  I'm so disappointed I didn't take any photos.  I was super proud of my homemade decorations!  My sister is having a boy as well.  I'm glad our boys will be so close in age and have each other to do "boy things".  She got a lot of stuff from the shower.  I'm sure she's having fun organizing it all.  I remember that was my favorite part, figuring out where to put everything!

-Swimming!!  Temps had been hot!  Since we had only just opened the pool, the water temperature was in the 60's and it doesn't get full sun all day long. It usually takes until the end of June for the water to be Ashleigh acceptable!  But it wasn't stopping Jane!  However, I would only let her stay in for 10 minutes, or less, at a time.  Just too cold for her skinny little body!  She's been awesome though jumping off the step and swimming around the pool.  She loves to have you throw something in and she'll go swim after it. Jane went to 2 days of camp at her school last week.  One of the days she was there I took Molly to a local community pool. It was much warmer!  I was anxious to see how Molly would like it.  Turns out, she's a little fish!  She was giggling the whole time, going down slides, and getting her face sprayed like a champ!  We also had filled up the baby pool everyday.  I even got in that with the girls!  It was that hot!  One evening we went over to my dad's to help him open his pool.  I can't wait until his is ready.  He has this HUGE pool float that is so much fun!

-There's been lots of gardening and weeding going on around here as well.  Our garden now consists of strawberries (which the girls having been picking and eating like candy on a daily basis!), beans, peas, peppers, cherry tomatoes, and now cucumbers.  Our peas are starting to climb our teepee now.  The beans are growing and I'm hoping the are going to climb!  (I may have gotten the wrong kind??!!  The packet didn't say bush or pole so I kinda guessed!)  Since our hose for watering is out of commission for now because the water in the laundry room is currently turned off for the renovation, I've been having to water by watering can.  Oh my!  Between the front of the house, pots, back, and now all these vegetables- it's quite a task!  Brian's been clearing out our over weeded-over grown other gardens, which also is a very large job!  But things are growing around here!

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