-This girl loves her playdoh. Her teacher says she has a hard time focusing.
I don't disagree. But, playdoh, boy, she could play for hours.
I'm not one for buying toys 'just because' but I think maybe every once in a while some
new playdoh sets are going to happen around here.
Plus, she knows all about them and how to use them from all her YouTube tutorials.
Everyday she's showing me another one and asking if for her birthday she can have that.
-I just got off the phone with Jane's Montgomery County Intermediate Unit case manager.
I submitted a referral for her to be evaluated because she truly has a hard time with
holding a pencil,to the point where she doesn't have any desire for drawing or
coloring because it's uncomfortable for her.
Unfortunately, I was informed that in order to receive OT, she must qualify in another area.
I guess this is where I'm sorta glad that she has some focus issues-
it could help getting her a therapist for writing.
And it's not that I don't try and work with her.
She just doesn't enjoy it so I have a hard time pushing it, I don't want her to be frustrated
or make writing something she hates.
But if she had a special teacher, I think she would respond really well with it.
-Monday was sooo nice, like 50 some degrees.
So after Molly's nap we went outside for a while.
The girls rode their new jeep around with our neighbor, then were playing super heroes
and running around the cul-de-sac.
Jane had her rain boots on because it was really muddy, so it was inevitable with all that
running around that she would trip and fall.
Poor kid does not take getting hurt well at all!
She scraped her hand and knees up pretty good, but the way she carried on you'd
have thought she broke her leg.
And she didn't let us forget about her boo-boos for the rest of the night.
-Last week, Molly cried and was upset when I had to go take a shower.
So I asked her if she wanted to take a shower with me, thinking she'd say no.
But she said yes.
I brought her in with me, and she quickly wanted to get out once the water was dripping in her eyes.
I minute later she was asking to get back in.
And she stayed in.
Now every time I take a shower she begs to take one with me.
Most of the time I say yes, but sometimes I'm just in a hurry. Those times she cries.
At the end of my shower, I hold her and let the warm water run down her back.
She loves it and doesn't want to get out.
-We've been decorating for Valentine's Day. She calls all the hearts "heart beats".
-She's on a total Mary Poppins kick.
If Molly is awake, Mary Poppins is on tv. She doesn't sit and watch the whole thing.
She runs around and plays but then always comes back to watch.
I've been feeling under the weather so it's been a good babysitter.
oops :/
-When she talks to Owen, she says OwenOwenOwenOwen really fast in a baby voice for him.
It's pretty cute.
-She calls all doors "gates".
-I've had this cold since Saturday.
Just when I thought it was almost gone, it came back stronger than ever.
Either that or I've picked up another.
Either way, it's been terrible because I'm doing everything I can to keep the kids from getting it, especially Owen, which means no kissy kissy or talking close to his face.
No snuggling unless I'm feeding him.
It's painful! When I am better he is going to be so smothered with love.
-However, I do think he may have picked up a little stomach bug.
His poops are runnier than ever.
-Darn, there was something else I know I wanted to remember!
If I think about it, I'll add it to his 3 month list- tomorrow!
Where did the past 3 months go???
I don't think I have ever been in love with someone else's baby. but I can't get over Owen. like for real, I want him. :). he is perfectly adorable. and the older he gets the more in love with him I fall. I'm warning you... I may become obsessed with him. :)
ReplyDeletealso, that's interesting about Jane not wanting to hold pencils.... sounds like your doing all you can. I hope it gets resolved soon. you will have to keep us posted!