Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday's Weekly Update

I'm hoping to keep up with a weekly update.
Just a few this and that's about the kids that I want to remember.

-She's the best big Owen anyway. 
In the car, if he's crying, she talks to him, holds his hand, kisses her finger
s and places it on his head.  All without me asking her.
-With Molly, she's usually trying to antagonize her.  (this works both ways) 
 For example, she'll try and race her to the car just to get in first,
or take the Ariel that Molly wants to use, just because she knows Molly always wants that one.
-She thinks naps are for little kids.  Even when she is completely exhausted, she will throw a complete tantrum at the idea of a nap.
-She hates bedtime, too.  We've started sending her to bed at 6:30 rather than 7. 
It seems like she sleeps longer in the morning if she goes to bed early.
-She's been enjoying new Bible stories on her new tablet before bed. 
 I downloaded a free kid's bible app onto it. 
We've read every story in her real Bible a million times,
so even though the stories are the same, they are told slightly different,
and it's just something "new" so it's been a hit.

-When Owen cries in the car, she always says, "Mommy, Owen want you." 
 I like how she recognizes that I'm the one who can make all tears go away.
-She's a good big sister, too.  She still always is kissing Owen. 
When she wakes up, before she goes to bed, if he's just lying somewhere in her reach,
 she wants to kiss him.
-After she wets or poops in her diaper she says, "Mommy, change my diaper." 
 She'll also tell me when she is peeing or pooping in her diaper. 
Do you think she's ready to be potty trained??? 
I'm waiting until March and then THAT'S IT. 
 Come hell or high water, NO MORE DIAPERS!!
-She's been more clingy than normal. 
She's starting to get her 2 year old molars (finally)
so I'm not sure if that's contributing to it, or if there is something else. 
She's also been waking up a bunch at night.

-He is just growing leaps and bounds!  Almost out of 3 month clothing.
-He's quite the talker.  I love the little sounds he makes. 
And he'll wait until you are done talking and he'll take his turn.
  We go back and forth for a while.  It's the cutest thing!
-We are in a bad habit.  He will only nurse to fall asleep. 
Unless he's in the car.  Or his swing.  We attempted his crib twice.
  Both times he was asleep in my arms and then woke up once I laid him down.
  When he's in bed with me he will fuss until I finally just let him have what he wants.
 A couple minutes, then he's asleep.
-He HATES the cold.  He acts like he's dying, gasping at the cold air on his face. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to know sailyr is not the only one teasing her little sis. ugh! she has already started taking the toys Finley wants... just to make her mad. I am thinking I need to start a marble jar or sticker chart or something to help with good behavior. although I'm not sure she will grasp the concept. :( any suggestions? also, the girls (and your pictures) are beautiful! I think I need a beautiful blue wall just for pictures!
