Friday, January 17, 2014

January Blues

These cold, grey days are a beast.
The daylight is too short, and the house always feels too chilly.
And if it's not us sick, it feels like the rest of the world is,
so we most often hibernate at home.
These slow days are filled with

Lori Berkner
(Nana just got the girls tickets to see her live!)



Making muffins

Valentine's Day crafting

And just relaxing

Maybe they really aren't so bad after all.

1 comment:

  1. ugh! ditto. this year winter is killing me. at least you have cute little Owen to snuggle! :). seriously, we need to be neighbors. maybe we should both move and just meet in the middle! ha ... what state is in the middle? Oklahoma or something?!?? (Oklahoma does not sound enticing at all) or plan b- I get visitation rights with you kids! haha! every other weekend and holiday! send um' to me! ha! really though, sailyr would love that!
    OK, only a couple more weeks and January is over! come on already!!
