Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday's Weekly Update


-We had Jane's conference at school last Thursday.
Her teacher didn't tell me anything I already didn't know.
The biggest thing was just giving her another year to mature and grow before going to kindergarten.
When we go to birthday parties for her friends, I see such a difference between Jane and the girls who turned 5 in the fall.
It's really crazy.
And it's not just size, it's definitely maturity, too.
-So with that, she's officially enrolled at Penn View Christian for their developmental kindergarten.
This is a class specifically for those children who either just missed the school district's kindergarten age cutoff, or who are 5 but won't be going to kindergarten.
We're currently trying to work on some financial aid and hoping that will make this a little easier.
Yikes, school is soooo expensive!
Her class next year is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday- all day!
I'm not so sure how I like that!
But their program is excellent and they really offer so much.
-The girl's school had the children's artwork displayed at the library this past month,
so last night they held an "exhibit" there with snacks so parents could come and check it all out.
Boy, both girls had such a ball seeing their teachers outside the classroom.

-When Molly hurts herself, like trips and stubs her toe or something, she says she hurt her feelings.
I think they must be talking about hurting feelings at school.
I also think she's a little confused!
-She loves nicknames.
For a long time she used to call Jane "Poo" because Brian and I sometimes call her Janie Poo Poo.
She's stopped saying that, I think because she can now say Jane easily.
But my sister and brother in law often call their son Jacko.
Well Molly picked right up on that and always calls him that.
Brian isn't a fan of this nickname and constantly is correcting Molly, telling her, no, it's Jack.
Two minutes later she's saying Jacko.
I'm trying to stay consistent with Brian,
but sometimes I have to turn around and just laugh.
He might be fighting a useless battle.
Anyhow, she calls Owen, Buddy Boy all time.
I guess I say it sometimes, really without even realizing it.
But of course Molly picked it right up!
-Sticker obsessed.
We go through sticker phases around here.
And we are currently in one again.
I don't even know where she finds them sometimes!
But everywhere I look- stickers!
Stickers on herself, stickers on Owen, stickers on toys, stickers on furniture, stickers on windows, stickers stuck to the bottom of my socks, stickers stuck to my butt (super nice when I'm out in public).

-Well, we brought out the exersaucer this weekend. 
We put him in and stuff blankets around him.
I can't even believe he's big enough for this thing already!
-The crying in the car is KILLING me!
After I drop the girls off at school, I want to do errands.
But he's crying so bad that all I can, and want, to do is go home.
-He's finally hit the point where he is not sleeping all the time, and is woken up much more easily by noises.
It's been challenging this past week.
When he's awake, it's fine.
It's just when he starts getting tired, he becomes cranky.
And because he won't sleep in his crib,
he's just sleeping in the swing downstairs.
Before this past week, the girls could run around and be crazy and he'd sleep right through it.
But now, I'm shhhing them every time he takes a nap.
Yesterday I was trying to clean up before our playdate and Owen had finally just fallen asleep so I made the girls watch tv so they'd be quiet!
I hate myself for doing that!!
I know I need to do something.
 I'm seriously considering just ditching his crib and getting a bed in his room with the toddler rails so he can't roll out.
I might be jumping the gun, and I'm going to give it a good try this weekend with the crib.
If our bed wasn't so high I'd just let him nap in there.
But when he gets bigger and starts crawling I'm afraid he'll really hurt himself.
So if we just get a bed in his room, I can lay with him until he sleeps and then hopefully sneak out.
-He's seriously cute, and I'm so crazy for him!

Monday, January 27, 2014


We make a lot of muffins around here.
They are kinda our go-to.
And no matter the flavor, we always call them chocolate chip,
or else we have two little girls who won't touch them.
This patch is for our play date tomorrow.
They are Pumpkin....I mean chocolate chip :)

Jane and I usually make them while Molly is napping.
Though today she was pretty distracted by the cookies her grandparents brought over last night.


Between MLK day, the snow, and school conferences, the girls didn't have school all week.
We were all getting pretty stir crazy.
We did manage to get out of the house and go to the gym for open play,
something Jane doesn't usually get the chance to attend because she has school on Fridays.
But that afternoon, the girls begged me to put their house together.
Even though it takes up half the room, how could I say no?
They are quite imaginative and turned it into a daycare.
And of course they had to dress the part as the teachers, in princess gowns.
We also dressed Owen in is Woody outfit, a Christmas gift from my mom's cousins.
I must say, he's the cutest little Woody I ever did see!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday's Weekly Update

We're home today, enjoying ANOTHER snow day.
I swear I love them, but if spring doesn't start to show,
Brian may be working until the end of June again this year!
These pictures were all taken this morning as the kids were playing and
hanging out in the living room.
Owen was so content just watching the girls play.
Molly was then busy busy busy bugging him.
But when she took out the books and started to read to him,
I just about died.
Jane was too cool for pictures.

And now for some updates from this past week.

-The girls are both pretty Frozen obsessed. (even Molly who didn't see it)
Jane got the soundtrack for Christmas so every time we are in the car we are listening to it.
She knows all the words! 
And she'll watch it on her tablet and pretend she is Elsa, singing to Let it Go,
moving her arms and using a blanket as her cape.
She's such a natural performer.

-She's such a smart little cookie.
I introduced her to the Jane and Dick stories because for one,
she's been asking all the time about what words say.
And she knows the letter sounds and can start to sound some words out.
She has an awesome memory, so I knew if I told her the words in the book,
it was likely she would remember them.
And she did!
She knows how to use the beginning sound of the word to figure it out if she forgets.
The second reason I showed her these books was because her name was in them!
I thought she'd get a kick out of that!
I remember in first grade reading the Jane and Dick books all the time.
I loved the pictures I think best about them.
She's also starting to add single digits.
She knows some by memory,
and those that she doesn't,
she uses her fingers to figure out.

-She has GOT to be going through a growth spurt.
Generally, she's not all into eating (unless it's candy).
But lately, she's been wanting to eat all her meals,
every morsel, without us reminding her to keep eating.
Sometimes it can take her nearly an hour to eat dinner.
But lately she's had no problem, in fact, eating it rather quickly,
 and then still being hungry!
We've seriously never seen her eat so much food in her life!

-She's constantly, and randomly, saying "I love you." to Brian and I.
It's pretty sweet.

-I love listening to her sing Let It Go!
-She, too, has been saying "I love you" lots.  And I love it!
-Molly loves her books. 
She'll carry around one for days, usually until she can't find it anymore.
She walks around the house with it open, holding it like a teacher would.
Her current favorite book is Maisy Goes to the Hospital, or as she says, hospital.
It seems to be making bedtime much easier.
As soon as we say it's time for bed, she says, "And read Maisy Goes to the Hopital!".
-She's fiiiiinally starting to go to sleep on her own again.
But only if Brian puts her to bed.
-She's a complete yack back. 
And it's almost always the negative things we say.
Like, Brian will say to Jane, "That's not being nice, you need to share.",
Molly will repeat it right after he says it.
-We're still on the Mary Poppin's kick.  But I make her turn it off at 7:30am.

-So I think his hair is starting to grow.
It's looking longer to me.  But I could be crazy. 
-Loud noises are starting to scare him and make him cry.
The other day Brian came home from work, and he was turned the other way so he couldn't see.
The door shut and the girls started to yell.
And he cried :(
-He has the saddest sad face!! 
His little lips turn upside down and he looks just pitiful.
I can't help but scoop him right up into my arms every time I see it.
If he's smart, he's going to use that on me for a long long time!