Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Keeping up with it all

Everywhere I look there is a mess.  I should be spending this lunch time cleaning up.  But I'm just tired!  After being on the go all morning, lunchtime with Jane is a pleasure.  I need this break just as much as she does.  Jane eats her lunch and watches Calliou.  She doesn't nap anymore but she does get cranky before lunch.  Some food and some quiet tv time really helps her feel better the rest of the day.

We've been having the best spring this year.  Most years we seem to skip spring weather completely and it feels like summer right away.  We are taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and are spending our mornings and afternoons outside.  This is wonderful and I love it...except I'm feeling very behind and a little overwhelmed by all the things not getting done inside.

I've never been the Type A kind of person.  I don't make lists of things I need to do.  If I notice the bathroom needing to be cleaned, I clean it.  If we've tracked things into the house, I vacuum.  No list needed.  But this isn't working out now that we are barely spending any time in the house.  I have no time to do anything!  And so, I'm afraid I may need to change my ways.  I'm taking any advice from anyone who is willing to give it!  Do you use a "granny schedule"- Monday is bathrooms, Tuesday is laundry, etc...Or is it easier to just look around the evening before and make a list of things that need to be done?  The other thing is when do you get these things all done?  Get it all done before you go out?  That was how my mom always was growing up and I hated it!  Sometimes we'd have to stay in for hours while she cleaned (and we had to help) all the while wishing we were outside with the other kids in the neighborhood.  I don't think that's how I want to be...but maybe there's a lesson in knowing you have to do your work before you can play??  I don't know! 

All I do know is that I'm wasting precious cleaning time right now and that I must go! 

1 comment:

  1. I've tried the Monday - bathrooms, Tuesday - kitchen deal... it only lasted about a month. :). I clean at nap time and in the evenings... its so hard finding balance... post if you find any amazing tips!

    P.s. um... hello! Why are we not neighbors? Every time I read your blog I totally relate.
