Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No Painted Rainbows

This morning I was frustrated.  Beyond frustrated to be more precise.  Having more than one child pushes you to the limit sometimes.  Sometimes I get very tired of reading blogs where it seems that life is just perfect.  Their children get along, they never get upset, or heaven forbid yell, at their children, life is just one beautiful painted rainbow. 

I like a lot of positivity in my life.  But on my worst of days, I just want to not feel alone.  Like there is someone else out there who has mommy-tantrums too.  So if you are looking for someone to feel your pain, have a seat and wallow with me.

It all seems like a blur now.  And it only occurred mere hours ago. 
It wasn't even 7am yet.  
Jane was whining.  Molly was whining.
Jane throws a tantrum over I don't even know what.
Jane is grabbing toys out of Molly's hands.  Molly is crying.
I tell Jane if she can't be nice she needs to go to her room.
Jane goes to her room.  Molly follows her.
Jane slams to door on Molly.  Opens the door and yells at Molly, then slams it shut.  Molly cries.  Jane opens door and yells at her again, then slams the door once more.
 I go upstairs yelling for Jane to stop.  
I open the door and Jane crawls in my lap and I calmly tell her that slamming the door is not ok and neither is yelling at Molly.  
Two seconds later Jane is screaming at Molly to get off her bed.  Now I'm screaming at Jane to stop yelling at Molly.  
Three seconds later same as above occurs again.
Things are calm for a minute so I leave to go get dressed for the day.
More yelling and crying is heard. 
They go down stairs.
Jane takes toys from Molly.  Molly is crying
I go downstairs freaking out at Jane.
I notice that most of my frames on the stairway wall are hanging by their corners.  I fix them and continue downstairs.
Jane sits in my lap where I start to talk to her when 3 of my frames come crashing down.   Smashed.
I get upset, ask Jane if she was playing with them.
Jane's crying.
I'm crying.
Molly is just sitting there.

I absolutely realize that there were things I could have done early on to change the outcome of this whole episode.  But it was what it was at this point.  Luckily, we were able to salvage the rest of our morning.  And where I realize that Jane needed consequences for her actions, I chose to explain how I was feeling and asked for her help.  Then I went upstairs for a whole ten minutes and Jane and Molly played together.  They were even laughing.  And I thanked God for giving me that moment of peace because I might have really gone out of my mind if things continued. 

This level of crazy doesn't occur everyday, thank goodness. However, we do have our daily dose of madhouse.  Refusal to get dressed, wanting something they can't have, not listening, being disrespectful, etc.  Yeah it happens.  Everyday.  And I don't always handle it like I would have wanted.  If you're supermom and never freak out at your kids, please share your secrets!

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing because I just posted this same post. Yesterday must have just been an off day for all of us. Keep your chin up little mama! And p.s. in my book all rules go out the window when your preg... its all about just surviving. :)
