Owen is almost 16 months! 16 months on the 16th...doesn't that make it his Golden Day?? Maybe we shall have some cake! Not that he would even eat it. Then again, it's cake, so maybe he will. But definitely the most frustrating thing going on right now is Owen's lack of eating. He's getting bottom molars, so that is only contributing to the problem. He's currently eating nothing, or very near nothing. I'm pretty willing to give him anything at this point. He's under the 5th percentile in weight, so the pediatrician said if he would eat ice cream, give him that every day. How nice to be prescribed a daily diet of ice cream But even that isn't interesting him much anymore. I've been trying to push a bottle. He won't take it. He'll probably nurse forever. I'm ok with him nursing, but I don't produce that much milk, so when he's hungry, there are times when there is pretty much nothing there for him. It's stressful. I feel like I am constantly trying to push food on him. It's like de-ja-vue from when Jane had eating issues. If he wasn't so darn skinny to begin with I don't think I would be so bothered by this. I keep thinking positively, he will eventually eat! But I pray it isn't the long HARD road that we went down with Jane.
Well, this little kid, he is such a little comedian. He lives to make his sisters laugh. He blows raspberries better than myself- TRUTH! And he'll do the silly little things that the girls tell him to do which just makes them all giggle. He is also in love with ring a round the rosie. He'll come grab our hands and pull us to the spot we usually play. As soon as he's done dinner (of eating nothing), he runs over there, calling dada to come play. Speaking of dada, it is his favorite word. He says it probably several hundred times a day. Dada is dada, but sometimes I am dada, or Molly and Jane. Doggie sounds like dada. Downstairs sounds like dada. Every time I talk on my phone he thinks I'm talking to dada. But he also sometimes remembers to call me mama. And that may be the sweetest sound. He likes to point to everyone and have us say who we all are. But he also is starting to point to us and tell us now. I want to just die when he points to himself and says "bubu" (baby). He is really quite full of jibber jabbers these days. He gets right in your face and blabs away like we know what he is saying. And if I am calling one of the girls from another room, he goes over there and calls them too. He is a very loud child. Louder than the girls were at this age. He also has a side that scares me! Lord help me when we get to the terrible 2s, because he has already hit me once when he was mad. I couldn't believe it!
He's still sleeping in our bed. But naps are easier now because I trust him there. Our bed is high, but he knows how to get off safely. (Though my face is still usually glued to the monitor anyway.) I still hope to move him to his own room come spring. I saw a bed at Ikea that I think may work for his room. His room is currently just another play room for the girls. They love his teepee he got for Christmas. Owen's favorite things to do are look at books of animals and play with his cars and trucks. He brrrrr's them all over the house. And in his books, I can now ask, "where's the cow? where's the ___?" and he can point to the right animal. He also knows a lot of his own body parts, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, head, belly, feet, hands. He also loves pointing to everyone else's nose and says "naa".
He loves to be outside, even in the cold. The snow didn't phase him at all. He's just happy to be outside. This past weekend the weather wasn't too bad so we were outside. Now every time I take him out to get on the car, he thinks it's time to play outside and he is soooo mad when I put him into the car. He still isn't a good passenger. He usually starts out okay, but if we are in the car too long it becomes hysterics. I cannot wait to be able to turn him around. I'm 99% sure that a movie will solve that problem. He's become tv obsessed lately. Up until two weeks ago, he could have cared less about tv. He rarely even glanced at it. Then he had a cold and was waking up congested around 1am for a few nights. The movie Babe was on, and he LOVES animals, so I recorded it and would sit him up in my bed and turn the movie on just long enough that he could decongest and then go back to sleep. Well, that turned into him begging for tv in the morning as soon as I took him downstairs. So I let him watch it for about 10 minutes while I made the girls their breakfast and got coffee and he was happy. But now every time he is cranky he wants to watch the darn movie! "Baaaa! Baaaa!" (Babe) he begs, pointing and crying at the tv. I've created a monster!
He had a visit to the ER a week and a half ago. While going down a slide with Jane, his legs were not put out in front of him, rather they were tucked under him, and as he went down, they got bent all the way back. It was not pretty. And afterward he would not put any weight on them. Being the panic-er that I am, I took him straight to the hospital. Actually, my fear was that something happened to his knees. After 4 horrific hours and an x-ray, they found no fracture and said he was okay to go home. It wasn't until 2 days later he finally started walking again. He's still limping around a bit.
Well that about gets us up to date. He's our little joy. He makes us all so happy, even the girls. They really do adore him. And he's definitely my little mama's boy, happy being held or sitting my lap, loves snuggles and kisses.
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