Tuesday, October 14, 2014
I'm forever torn with updating this blog or doing something more practical, like my current disaster- bedroom over hall. Not to say that blogging isn't important. Because if there were just two more daytime hours, I'd definitely keep up with this blog...or maybe I'd make real dinner, or finally get around to reorganizing the basement, or or or.... Who am I kidding, this poor blog is just sadly neglected.
Honestly, I am just terrible at managing my time. I don't even know where the hours go in my day. They say, time flies when you're having fun. And ain't that the truth! Speaking of which- holy CRAP! Owen turns one this week! I'm in SUCH denial! Nooo, this little baby, he's still just a baby. Mommy's little baby. Baby, baby, baby, baby. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop calling him "the baby". This weekend he decided that crawling just isn't his style anymore. Since Saturday, he hasn't crawled once. He doesn't care if he falls after every other step. He gets right back up and is determined to walk. And if it weren't for the long pants or slippery socks, he'd probably hardly fall at all. How are last spring's pants still big?? He's so tiny, or at least I think he is. I'm anxious to see what his percentiles are next week when he goes for his check up. He's also quite the little biter. If he's silly and climbing all over me, he's sure to go in for the sneak bite. He's also a boobie biter, which I keep telling him is going to get those things taken away from him permanently. Though that isn't a promise I intend to keep. With all these icky sickies, I've decided to just go ahead and nurse through the winter. And I'm sure I can come up with some other excuse at that point as to why I will inevitably still be nursing throughout the summer.
Fall officially started to feel like fall, and I had to stop putting the girls in sundresses for school. I previously stated how much I liked fall, but that was when it still felt like summer. Now that the days are hinting winter, I'm starting to change my mind. However, it was pretty nice to have an excuse to pull the Uggs out of my closet for the football game last Friday night. I feel like such a soccer mom these days, except that my kids don't play soccer. A cheer mom? Ok, whatever. I'll be a little sad when it's all done with for the season. Friday night was so much fun. And even though I was only able to stay for a little while because of getting Owen home for bed, it gave me a nice taste of what's in store for the future. We decided when the kids are a little older, Fridays will be wings and pizza before we go over to the game. Jane LOVED cheering with the high school girls at the game. The whole experience was awesome. It really seemed to get her pumped for Sunday when her squad got to cheer in a big competition. There were girls from all over there, and Jane was so happy to be apart of it. I was so proud of her. This little girl, with such a big personality, who practiced her cheers every day, went out there in front of hundreds of people, dancing and cheering. She was so brave! Not to mention that she nailed the moves!
Molly looks up to Jane. She wants to be apart of it all so badly. Jane's coach is a sweetheart and lets Molly warm up with the team during practice. Watching Molly imitate the cheers at home is probably the cutest thing I've seen. Also, quite funny! I think one day, she'll be one heck of a cheerleader. In the meantime, she dancing it up with "Miss Glinda" (Miss Linda) in her ballet class and working on her gymnastic skills with Coach Karen. I have to say, I've been rather unimpressed with the gymnastics. I feel like Molly could be excelling in it much more than she is, but because of the age group (2-4), there's just a lot of redirecting happening, so we may be looking into switching her class elsewhere. I received Molly's fall observation from school. It made me laugh because it said that they are working on her identifying the correct cubby. This is soooo Molly. She doesn't pay very close attention to hardly anything, so I totally see her going into the classroom and just tossing her belonging into any cubby in the vicinity of her actual one. I've been trying to get her to recognize her name for MONTHS. She just doesn't look! However, her observation also stated she was a very sweet child who is well liked by the other children which made me very happy to hear. We'll just keep practicing with that name!
The girls are loving all the fall activities we've been up to lately. Hayrides, pumpkins patches, corn bins, haymazes- all so much fun! The pictures below are from Haussman Farm, a new farm to us. It was the perfect half way destination for my girlfriend and I to meet up with the kids. The three girls ran around that place having such a blast. It was the perfect afternoon!
Okay, and if that wasn't enough Owen overload, here's a few more of my silly boy.
Okay...that's all for now :)
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No no, Owen will not turn one. I won't accept it. Life will just go on and he will stay forever a baby. :) no birthday for him!!!