Thursday, September 26, 2013


Pictures done by Pickles Packle Photography

Life's been full lately.  Fall is here, and fall always comes on hard with a packed calendar, fun weekend activities, and beautiful weather.  It comes and goes faster than any season.  And then before any of us are ready, winter has crept it's way in. 
The girls are settled into their school routine.  I'm really happy with Jane's teacher this year.  She's really on the ball and has a great curriculum.  I've been worried about Jane because she doesn't hold pencils correctly, and I've had a terrible time trying to show her.  I mentioned it to her teacher, who to my surprise, told me she had already noticed it and would keep me updated.  I have a terrible fear of this holding her back from doing well next year in kindergarten, but I have hope that her teacher this year will help her.  Molly is loving school, as I knew she would.  On Fridays Jane is the only one who goes to school and Molly cries and cries and it just breaks my heart.  At naptime, on the days she does go, she talks and talks about her time at school.  I swear, she tells me more about her day than Jane does!  Anyway, it feels good that they both are enjoying school.  I've been enjoying my time at home while they are away.  It's amazing how much I can get done in an hour and a half with no interruptions. 
Most of life, though, feels like we're busy prepping for baby.  I can't even believe that in two to three weeks we will be cuddling a tiny newborn.  I can't wait to meet this new little being.  Brian and I talk about who he will look more like- Jane or Molly.  We talk about his personality, temperament, his likes and dislikes- all unknown to us now but soon to be revealed.  Most of the baby gear is ready, cleaned and set up.  We've been talking a lot about the baby with the girls.  It helps that they have a baby cousin to relate what having a baby will be like.  But even more so, Brian and I have just been preparing mentally for a big change.  Sometimes life is so crazy with just the girls, it seems hard to imagine what life will be like with another child.  And sometimes, I swear, I'm in denial that this is all happening in just a few short weeks!  But mostly I'm just excited.  It's like this baby is the last puzzle piece to this family, and we are just waiting to finish putting it together. 
So now we wait...

1 comment:

  1. these pictures are killing me! so cute! I love the first picture of Jane! everything about it just kills me! and of course I'm a sucker for molly's sweet pig tails!
