Thursday, April 11, 2013

Do you know the muffin girl?


It has been an exhausting few days!  Three days of going nonstop has all us wiped!  Nobody seems to mind that its cooler and cloudy today.  We had a morning playdate at the park and now we are all just taking it easy.  Molly's taking the longest nap she's had all week and Jane is a complete zombie in front of Dora (and I'm not going to make her get up). 

We took full advantage of the beautiful weather while it lasted.  My only regret is that I didn't take my camera out once.  Though I did take about a 100 photos on my phone.  But man, is this what summer is going to be like with 2 active kiddos?  One thing I realized is that I'm going to need to bring my crockpot out!  We'd stay outside until everyone was starving and then go in to no planned or prepped dinner.  I'm pretty sure my crockpot will be my summertime best friend.

It was so amazing watching the girls have so much fun outside.  That Molly, I can't believe how well she keeps up with the big kids!  She's expressing all sorts of independence, including refusing help climbing at the playground.  She keeps me on my toes, all right!  Jane's big accomplishment has been getting over her fear of her quad.  This is the quad she begged Santa for, the quad I thought would be such a hit.  Since Christmas it's pretty much just sat in the garage not being used.  FINALLY, she's realized how much fun it really is!  So has Molly.  

After the park today, Molly went down for a nap and Jane asked to make chocolate chip muffins, something we used to do often but recently have been on a pregnancy baking hiatus.  (I don't know where my desire to bake went??)   But who could refuse such a request?  She absolutely loves chocolate chip muffins.   Our favorite recipe for whole wheat chocolate chip muffins comes from here.  Jane's favorite part is eating the chocolate chips.  I make her put the liners in the muffin tins first before I take out the chocolate.  She's pretty darn good at mixing too!  She's my little muffin girl!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I love, love, love that you let your little ones help you in the kitchen. I have such fond memories growing up helping in the kitchen- they won't forget it! So sweet, too!
