Sunday, August 5, 2012

Teething Bites

 Our little peanut is teething.  She's been terribly slow with getting teeth.  At 13.5 months, she's just working on her top front 2.  But it is misery- for everyone!  Cranky all day, having a terrible time falling asleep, doesn't want to eat, cries if I put her down.  I don't even want to say, "I can't wait until they come through." because I know that she has a lot more teeth to go! 

Here are my current strategies for helping her feel better-
  • cold cucumber slices
  • smoothies
  • pacifier
  • carrying her around everywhere
  • ibuprofen when I'm about to lose my mind
  • pass her off to daddy and runaway and hide when I've officially lost it
My brother-in-law works in dental supply sales and he gave us some oral gel swaps which I'm going to be trying tomorrow.  (though I tried these with Jane and remember thinking they didn't help much)

I also had used the Hyland Teething Tablets with Jane.  But since then I know they have been "voluntarily recalled". Actually, one of the moms from my moms' group knew the family of the child who almost died from them.  Soooo, I don't really feel too good about giving them to Molly. 

Any other tricks?  If we don't make a break through tomorrow, I might go CRAZY!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I didn't see your I'm answering you here! Yes I've used Bare Minerals before and it's great! It doesn't really work as a good primer--I would suggest getting a good primer. Eye & face! :) Let me know if you need anything else cute girl!
