Saturday, February 18, 2012

Meal Planning 001

Aren't the 001 level classes the ones you are required to take before you are actually ready for the 100 level?

Yeah, that is about where I am in my meal planning.

Yikes, to be honest, the past month our meals in this house have been BAD. Not because my cooking is bad, but because I just did not take the time to plan anything out until minutes before I started cooking.  And I feel like a terrible wife not providing a decent meal for my husband!

Things have just seemed kind of crazy around here.  Brian has had later nights at work, Jane has mostly stopped napping, and Molly's been fussy and difficult in regards to eating anything lately.  So without my mid-day break with Jane's nap, I feel like I just go- go- go all day with kids.  And dinner, well, it's just gone to the wayside.  Dinner for Jane is the same every night, mac and cheese or chicken nuggets.  At 4:30.  So by the time Brian comes home from work, I almost feel like dinner is over.  Even though we haven't eaten.  

Oh yes, Pinterest is filled with all these fancy daily meal organizing boards.  But really, I just don't think they're for me.  I don't want to have a strict schedule of meals spelled out for me.  Things always come up around here, and I know I wouldn't stick to it.

So I decided, I'd just pick out 4 meals I'd like to make for the week and write them and their ingredients down. When I go to the market, I'll get what I need for those 4 meals.  And I'll just make them whenever.  And on the days I don't cook, we'll have leftovers or spaghetti.

There are so many unplanned interruptions in our week that to plan a daily meal just seemed unrealistic.  So I'm going to go with this and see how it goes!

Click here for what I made tonight.  It turned out pretty good, and I love my crock pot!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really horrible at meal planning... and grocery shopping. It's bad. I wish there was a class!
