Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ten Day COUNTDOWN is Here!

I doubt we will ever forget our first Christmas with Jane.  She was in the pleasant habit of waking up at 4am.  Our day was going to be super busy with us visiting at my dad's house in the morning and then coming home to host ten more guests for dinner.  So I had the brilliant idea to open presents when Jane woke up, bright (or should we say DARK) and early!  It was a sleepy but wonderful morning as we helped her unwrap gifts and took a zillion photos of her eating paper. 

Now at 2, Christmas is even more magical because she understands Santa!  Everyday we're signing, and talking, and reading about him.  And I remember my own memories of Santa.  Sitting in church wondering if Santa was already flying overhead.  Then later that night laying in bed, listening, pinching myself to stay awake so that just maybe I could get a glimpse of him.

I love the feeling of Christmas, and I wanted to capture it for Jane, for her to hold until she has children of her own and begins her own traditions with her family.  And so as part of our own new traditions we've started our Christmas advent.  A ten day countdown!

I made this tree with ornaments that lift up.  Underneath are special Christmas activities that I have hopes will bring Christmas alive for Jane.  Today's special activity was to set up and decorate Jane's very own tree in her room.  I thought this would be very exciting, as she LOVES our big tree.  But when I shared what we were about to do she couldn't have been less interested!
Oh the disappointment!
But I carried on anyway, taking Molly upstairs to Jane's bedroom where I began to set up the tree.

Before too long I heard Jane on the steps.  Moments before she appeared, I called, "Hi Jane!  Come see your tree!"
"Hi mama!"
And then I gasped and lost my breath for a moment.  She was carrying two open containers of dollar store finger paint whose washability is questionable and a paintbrush that looked as though it had been busy!  Somehow I calmly whisked the paint away and went to check on my relatively new carpet that I treat like it's my third baby.  I inspected each stair and every inch of the living room.  There on the kitchen floor were the two paint lids.  But no paint that my eyes could see.  I went back to stairs and as I headed up I checked the walls.  She surely had to touch them as she came up.  Hmmm, no paint.

At this point, Jane was interested in her tree now that it was up and glowing, and she helped me decorate it as we sang Jingle Bells.

I envisioned her laying in bed at night, enjoying her little tree lighting up her room.  A tradition we'd keep.  A memory she'd have forever of this little tree glittering in the corner.

After we finally got dressed and made our way back to the kitchen for breakfast, I stood at the sink doing something I can't recall when something caught my eye.

 And I said, "Jane, you painted the tree I see."
"It sure is."  (Her favorite response this past week.)

1 comment:

  1. Your tree is adorable!!! Thank you for your wonderful comments on my new years cupcakes. They were fabulous!!! It's lovely to meet you:) I haven't even started mt CHristmas shopping yet!!! UGH!

    xoxoox H
