Monday, October 28, 2013

Owen Elijah

Meet our little Owen.
It's hard to believe this little babe is almost two weeks old.
The past 12 days have been nothing short of amazing.
I can't express in words the amount of love I have for him.
Of course I knew I would love him, but it's truly amazing how much love a mother has.
He was born weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces.
At his doctor appointment today he weighed in still under birth weight at 7.5.
He's an eating machine, though.
And the best nurser I've had yet.
Is there any greater feeling than your tiny baby across your chest?
I don't even mind middle of the night feedings because it means I get to hold him tight, kiss his little cheeks, and take in his newborn scent. 
It's love.
He's been a great sleeper, too.
During the day, his favorite place to nap is right in front of the fire.
There is nothing sweeter than watching him sleep next to the glow of the stove.
At night, I've been worried that he's too cold in his bed alone so he's been cosleeping.
But cold or not, I don't think I can ever part with him!
Life with Owen feels so complete.
He's the sweetest of babies.
We are so blessed to call him ours!



Monday, October 7, 2013

Fall Festivities

October is such a weird month.  One year it's perfect "fall" weather, others there's snow, and like this past weekend, it was almost 90 degrees.

By this time of year, usually we are eating everything pumpkin.  This year, we've yet to have anything pumpkin-y baked.  I'm blaming it completely on this summer-like weather (not the fact that I'm 9 months pregnant and standing in the kitchen any longer than I have to is literally a pain- in the back ;)

Hot and humid or not, we set out to do our annual fall hayride to pick out the perfect pumpkin before the baby is here. 

Also, corn boxes are genius.  The girls could have stayed in there all day.

(If you noticed that the pumpkins are just sitting in the grass and not in a pumpkin patch and think that is odd, so did we!  It's been extremely dry and they said that the trip out to the pumpkin patch was too bumpy and dusty.  Kinda a bummer- though we still think we picked a pretty good pumpkin!) 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Day We Stayed Home

For the past month, we've been so busy!  If we aren't rushing off to school, then it's doctors appointments, the grocery store, or park playdates.  Most days, being busy suits us well.

This morning we stayed home.  We didn't take hours to get ready, we just got up and got busy like we had somewhere to be.  I left my phone inside.  Nothing to distract me from being there, fully present and attentive to the girls. 

Outside, we set up paper and paint.  The girls went to town.

I mean, they really went to town!

There's no doubt, they preferred the body painting over the paper painting.

But even more than the paint, they loved their "bath" afterwards.  Don't worry, I used warm water ;)

It was barely 10am. 

The girls LOVE their moonbounce.  We don't take it out all that often.  But a morning like today definitely called for more fun.

The weather was just too perfect to call it a day, so we made ourselves a picnic lunch.

We discovered that our beans aren't quite finished, and we picked another handful or so.

I think I had been keeping us so busy this past month because I feared that we will not get out much after the baby is here.  I was trying to make the most of our days so that the girls aren't so bored at home once he's here and we are home more.  But that was silly.  Because we do have fun at home!  And I like spending all my time with just them.  I think we are going to be alright :)